Diversify In Path
Diversify In Path
Episode 2: Bettie Yeboah MD
Welcome to another episode of the diversify in path podcast which explores how investing in diversity can lead to a high return of investment in pathology and laboratory medicine by learning from the knowledge and experiences of diverse voices within in our field. My next guest is ,Dr. Bettie Yeboah, has always had a love for science. Entering college, she majored in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Tulane University and even worked on a NASA project during her time there. She then traveled to Philadelphia to complete her masters in Biomedical Sciences before entering into Drexel’s Medicine program.
Once there, she fell in love with pathology within her first year and has been hooked since. Currently, she is a pGY-1 at UVA and is eager to explore more of pathology
Twitter handle: @Autopsybae