Diversify In Path
Diversify In Path
Episode with Ricardo Correa MD EdD
Ricardo Correa, M.D., Ed. D., F.A.C.E., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.M.Q. is an Associate Professor of Medicine, the Program Director for Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism fellowship and the director for diversity in Graduate Medical Education at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Staff Clinician and Researcher at Phoenix V.A.M.C. and health equity fellowship director for Creighton School of Medicine Phoenix. He is an editor and peer reviewer of multiple journals in endocrine, research and medical education.
He completed his Medical School and master’s in education at The University of Panama. He completed a research fellowship in Epidemiology and Tropical disease at I.C.G.E.S. in Panama City and his internal medicine residency at Jackson Memorial hospital-University of Miami (U.M.) program. In 2012, he was honored with the A.O.A. and GoldDOC Award from the U.M. Then, he pursued his clinical and research fellowship in endocrinology with a particular focus on neuroendocrinology and adrenals at the National Institute of Health.
He is board-certified in Medical Quality. He is the author of the book title “Case report: basics and publication.” and senior Co-Editor of the book “Endocrinology of Aging.” His research focuses on neuroendocrinology, mainly on pituitary and adrenal tumor and health care disparities in diabetes in Latinx populations.
He serves as medical director volunteer for an underserved clinic in Phoenix and is very involved in promoting URM in medicine.
He enjoys playing the saxophone, hiking in the Phoenix mountains with the family, and traveling to other countries to learn about the different cultures.
Social media
Twitter: @drricardocorrea
facebook https://www.facebook.com/riccorrea20
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LinkedIn http://linkedin.com/in/ricardo-correa-md-edd-facp-face-fapcr-facmq-cmq-48a35018